Chapter 2704 Fantasy Man:>Ep66
- His laughter deepened, took him over. Jessica joined in, and soon they walked, ignoring the other animals for the moment, up an incline, steadily past more and more of Corbin's family. Some of them tried to be discreet. Some of them whispered, "Good luck!" or "You got this!" Some of them were already three sheets to the wind and hollered, "Go get her, Corb!" An aunt pressed flowers towards them until her husband whispered, "They're going to need their hands."
- And soon, he and Jessica were running.
- They whirled past more of his family. Phones were out, pictures taken. They were both still laughing in all of them. To the top of the hill they went, to the big bridge over a man-made stream running through the heart of the zoo. And Jessica looked out over the lovely city gardens and the zoo and she gasped, because it was perfect, but it was always going to be. It didn't matter if it happened here or Agramonte or at home with her family - who were, impossibly, standing just yards away with the Blocks, watching, smiling, her mother crying happy tears, her brother cheering them on.